Do you want to know Brandy Melville Opening hours? Or Finding Brandy Melville Store hours? Are any limited opening times different on Sundays & Saturdays in Brandy Melville? You are at the right place to Know full Brandy Melville Hours. In this article, we’ll tell you what time Brandy Melville closes each day.
We’ve shared all of the Brandy Melville hours info so that you can easily find what you want. Whether you’re looking for today’s Brandy Melville hours or Brandy Melville Saturday hours, we have everything you need right here. We’ll also give you some tips on what to do if you find yourself in a bind and need to buy something from brandy Melville last minute! Get it out now!
Brandy Melville Hours & Brandy Melville Holiday Hours
Do you want to know info on Brandy Melville hours of operation? We will provide you with the complete information you want to get about Brandy Melville’s hours today, tomorrow, and this weekend. Brandy Melville stores Open Morning at 10:00 AM/11:00 AM and Close Evening at 7:00 PM/8:00 PM every day.
About Brandy Melville Hours
Many of the Brandy Melville stores Open Morning at 10:00 AM/11:00 AM and Close Evening at 7:00 PM/8:00 PM every day. As of now, Brandy Melville operates more than 97 Locations around the country.
All Brandy Melville Stores will be open 9 to 10 hours a day on regular days from Monday to Friday. Coming to Saturday & Sunday the working hours of Brandy Melville May differs.
Let’s get the Brandy Melville hours in detail from the below table.
Brandy Melville Hours | Opening Hours | Closing Hours |
Monday | 10:00 AM/11:00 AM | 7:00 PM/8:00 PM |
Tuesday | 10:00 AM/11:00 AM | 7:00 PM/8:00 PM |
Wednesday | 10:00 AM/11:00 AM | 7:00 PM/8:00 PM |
Thursday | 10:00 AM/11:00 AM | 7:00 PM/8:00 PM |
Friday | 10:00 AM/11:00 AM | 7:00 PM/8:00 PM |
Brandy Melville’s operating time depends on the location. All Brandy Melville hours are open at 10:00 AM/11:00 AM local time.
It is important to get in touch with Brandy Melville support to know more about the exact store you are finding for.
Brandy Melville Hours on Sunday & Saturday
Brandy Melville stores are generally open at 10:00 AM/11:00 AM on Saturdays and close at either 7:00 PM/8:00 PM on Saturdays or 7:00 PM/8:00 PM on Sundays. Again, it is best to call Brandy Melville customer care to confirm the hours for your local Brandy Melville store.
Brandy Melville Hours | Opening Hours | Closing Hours |
Saturday | 10:00 AM/11:00 AM | 7:00 PM/8:00 PM |
Sunday | 11:00 AM/12:00 PM | 7:00 PM/8:00 PM |
So these are the opening & closing hours of Brandy Melville on Sunday & Saturday.
What Time Does Brandy Open?
The Brandy Melville stores are open from 10:00 AM or 11:00 AM in the morning at most of their locations. The store hours may vary a little on holidays.
What Time Does Brandy Close?
The Brandy Melville stores close at the usual time 7:00 PM or 8:00 PM. On Sundays and holidays, the stores may close earlier at 5 PM. Check the store locator for more information.
Brandy Melville Hours Today
Brandy Melville stores have different hours depending on the day of the week. If you want to know the hours today, you can check out the store locator on the website and enter your location. The store locator will tell you what time does Brandy Melville open and close today.
Brandy Melville Holiday Hours
In addition to Brandy Melville’s basic hours, the company also observes some holiday closures. During all federal holidays, most of the Brandy Melville stores are open.
Many Brandy Melville stores close on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. A few stores, however, remain open on Christmas Eve for final shoppers. Now let’s see the Brandy Melville Holiday Hours from the below table.
Brandy Melville Holiday Hours | Holiday | Open/Closed |
January 1 | New Year’s Day | Open |
January 17 | Martin Luther King Day | Open |
February 21 | President’s Day | Open |
April 15 | Good Friday | Open |
April 17 | Easter Sunday | Open |
May 30 | Memorial Day | Open |
July 4 | Independence Day | Open |
September 5 | Labor Day | Open |
October 10 | Columbus Day | Open |
November 11 | Veteran’s Day | Open |
November 23 | Day before Thanksgiving | Open |
November 24 | Thanksgiving | Open |
November 25 | Black Friday | Open |
December 24 | Christmas Evening | Open |
December 25 | Christmas Day | Closed |
Check the Brandy Melville Holiday Hours are a must & they will help you the most to do your shopping.
Brandy Melville Closing Time on Holidays
Brandy Melville stores close earlier than usual on a few holidays, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. On these days, the stores close at 5:00 PM or 6:00 PM.
About Brandy Melville
Brandy Melville is a women’s clothing store that is popular with teenagers and young adults. The store offers a wide range of clothes, from casual wear to formal wear. You can also find accessories and beauty products at Brandy Melville.
The store was founded in Italy in 2009 and has since expanded to locations all over the world, including the United States, Canada, France, Spain, and the United Kingdom. If you’re looking for stylish and affordable clothes, Brandy Melville is a great option.
Brandy Melville Hours Near Me
Are you looking for Brandy Melville hours near me, the best way to find out is to visit Brandy Melville’s store locator.
- Enter your city name or zip code and state into the store locator.
- It will provide you with a list of all the Brandy Melville stores near you. From there, you can get in touch with the Brandy Melville store directly to find out its hours of operation.
Brandy Melville Customer Service Number
If you want to contact Brandy Melville customer service, you can reach them at (310) 773-5405. The customer service hours are Monday-Friday from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm and Saturday – Sunday from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm EST.
Brandy Melville Social Media Platforms
Brandy Melville is active on a few social media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram & Facebook. You can get Brandy Melville’s social media links on our website.
On these platforms, Brandy Melville often posts about special events, sales & Arrivals. You can also get info about Brandy Melville hours on these platforms.
Facebook: unavailable
Twitter: unavailable
Instagram: unavailable
Youtube: unavailable
FAQs on Brandy Melville Holiday Hours & Store Hours
We here included a few questions that will help you to know Brandy Melville’s holiday hours & Brandy Melville Hours. These are the frequently asked questions on Brandy Melville’s Hours.
Q. What are the Brandy Melville Sunday Hours?
A. On Sundays, Brandy Melville stores Open at 11:00 AM/12:00 PM Morning and Close at 7:00 PM/8:00 PM at Night. Few Brandy Melville stores operate like the usual days only.
Q. What are the Brandy Melville Saturday Hours?
A. On Saturdays, Brandy Melville stores Open at 10:00 AM/11:00 AM Morning & Close at 7:00 PM/8:00 PM at Night. Few Brandy Melville stores operate like the usual days only.
Q. How many Locations Does Brandy Melville is Operating?
A. As of now, Brandy Melville is Operating in 97 Locations.
Q. Do Brandy Melville stores Open/Closed on New Year’s Day?
A. The Brandy Melville stores are Open on New Year’s Day.
Q. Do Brandy Melville stores Open/Closed on Martin Luther King Day?
A. The Brandy Melville stores are Open on Martin Luther King Day.
Q. Do Brandy Melville stores Open/Closed on President’s Day?
A. The Brandy Melville stores are Open on President’s Day.
Q. Do Brandy Melville stores Open/Closed on Good Friday?
A. The Brandy Melville stores are Open on Good Friday.
Q. Do Brandy Melville stores Open/Closed on Easter Sunday?
A. The Brandy Melville stores are Open on Easter Sunday.
Q. Do Brandy Melville stores Open/Closed on Memorial Day?
A. The Brandy Melville stores are Open on Memorial Day.
Q. Do Brandy Melville stores Open/Closed on Independence Day?
A. The Brandy Melville stores are Open on Independence Day.
Q. Do Brandy Melville stores Open/Closed on Labor Day?
A. The Brandy Melville stores are Open on Labor Day.
Q. Do Brandy Melville stores Open/Closed on Columbus Day?
A. The Brandy Melville stores are Open on Columbus Day.
Q. Do Brandy Melville stores Open/Closed on Veteran’s Day?
A. The Brandy Melville stores are Open on Veteran’s Day.
Q. Do Brandy Melville stores Open/Closed on Day before Thanksgiving?
A. The Brandy Melville stores are Open on Day before Thanksgiving.
Q. Do Brandy Melville stores Open/Closed on Thanksgiving?
A. The Brandy Melville stores are Open on Thanksgiving.
Q. Do Brandy Melville stores Open/Closed on Black Friday?
A. The Brandy Melville stores are Open on Black Friday.
Q. Do Brandy Melville stores Open/Closed on Christmas Eve?
A. The Brandy Melville stores are Open on Christmas Eve.
Q. Do Brandy Melville stores Open/Closed on Christmas Day?
A. The Brandy Melville stores are Closed on Christmas Day.
Q. What are the Brandy Melville Usual Day Hours?
A. On regular days {Monday to Friday}, Brandy Melville stores Open at 10:00 AM/11:00 AM Morning and Close at 7:00 PM/8:00 PM in the evening.
Q. Does Brandy Melville Operates on Weekends?
A.Yes, Brandy Melville Operates on Weekends also. See the Working hours of Brandy Melville & catch it accordingly.
Q. Does Brandy Melville Operates on Weekdays?
A.Yes, Brandy Melville Operates on Weekdays.
Q. Is Brandy Melville open on New Year’s Eve?
A. Yes, the Brandy Melville stores are open on New Year’s eve, however, the store hours may be reduced or extended based on the location. Please use the store locator for the exact Brandy Melville store hours.
We hope this guide was helpful in informing you about Brandy Melville hours. If you have any more questions, feel free to message us in the comment box. Our team will help you as soon as possible. Have a happy holiday season shopping! Thank you for reading! Keep visiting StHours for more retail & other store hours.