Do you want to know Steak N Shake Opening hours? Or Looking for Steak N Shake Store hours? Is any limited opening times different on Saturdays & Sundays in Steak N Shake? You are at the right place to Know in detail Steak N Shake Hours.
We’ve shared all of the Steak N Shake hours info so that you can easily get what you want. Whether you’re finding for today’s Steak N Shake hours or Steak N Shake Sunday hours, we have everything you need right here. Check it out now!
Steak N Shake Hours & Steak N Shake Holiday Hours
Are you looking for info on Steak N Shake’s hours of operation? We will give you with all the information you need to get about Steak N Shake’s hours today, tomorrow, and this weekend.
We have also given Steak N Shake holiday hours so that you can do your shopping accordingly. Stay tuned for more information!
About Steak N Shake Hours
Most of the Steak N Shake stores Open Morning at 10:00 AM & Close Evening at 10:00 PM/12:00 PM every day. As of now, Steak N Shake operates more than 550 Locations over the country. All Steak N Shake Stores will be opened 12 to 14 hours a day on regular days from Monday to Friday. Coming to Saturday & Sunday the working hours of Steak N Shake May differs.
Let’s check the Steak N Shake hours in detail from the below table.
Steak N Shake Hours | Opening Hours | Closing Hours |
Monday | 10:00 AM | 10:00 PM/12:00 PM |
Tuesday | 10:00 AM | 10:00 PM/12:00 PM |
Wednesday | 10:00 AM | 10:00 PM/12:00 PM |
Thursday | 10:00 AM | 10:00 PM/12:00 PM |
Friday | 10:00 AM | 10:00 PM/12:00 PM |
Steak N Shake’s operating time depends on the location. All Steak N Shake Stores open at 10:00 AM local time.
It is important to contact Steak N Shake customer service to know more about the specific store you are searching for.
Steak N Shake Hours on Sunday & Saturday
Steak N Shake stores are normaly opens at 10:00 AM on Saturdays and close at either 10:00 PM/12:00 PM on saturday or 10:00 PM/12:00 PM on Sundays. Again, it is best to get in touch with Steak N Shake customer care to confirm the hours for your local Steak N Shake store.
Steak N Shake Hours | Opening Hours | Closing Hours |
Saturday | 10:00 AM | 10:00 PM/12:00 PM |
Sunday | 10:00 AM | 10:00 PM/12:00 PM |
So these are the opening & closing hours of Steak N Shake on Saturday & Sunday.
Steak N Shake Holiday Hours
In addition to Steak N Shake’s basic hours, the company also observes some holiday closures. During all federal holidays, most of the Steak N Shake stores are open.
Lot Steak N Shake stores close on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. A few stores, however, remain open on Christmas Eve for last-minute shoppers. Now let’s see the Steak N Shake Holiday Hours from the below table.
Steak N Shake Holiday Hours | Holiday | Open/Closed |
January 1 | New Year’s Day | Open |
January 17 | Martin Luther King Day | Open |
February 21 | President’s Day | Open |
April 15 | Good Friday | Open |
April 17 | Easter Sunday | Closed |
May 30 | Memorial Day | Open |
July 4 | Independence Day | Open |
September 5 | Labor Day | Open |
October 10 | Columbus Day | Open |
November 11 | Veteran’s Day | Open |
November 23 | Day before Thanksgiving | Open |
November 24 | Thanksgiving | Closed |
November 25 | Black Friday | Open |
December 24 | Christmas Evening | Open |
December 25 | Christmas Day | Closed |
Check the Steak N Shake Holiday Hours are a must & they will help you the most to plan your shopping.
Steak N Shake Hours Near Me
If you are Searching for Steak N Shake hours near me, the best way to find out is to visit Steak N Shake’s store locator.
- Enter your city name or zip code and state into the store locator.
- It will give you a list of all the Steak N Shake stores near you. From there, you can call the Steak N Shake store directly to find out its hours of operation.
Steak N Shake Social Media Platforms
Steak N Shake is active on a few social media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram & Facebook.
You can get Steak N Shake’s social media links on our website.
On these platforms, Steak N Shake often posts about special events, sales & Arrivals. You can also find information about Steak N Shake hours on these platforms.
FAQs on Steak N Shake Holiday Hours & Store Hours
We here given a few questions that will help you to know Steak N Shake’s holiday hours & Steak N Shake Hours. These are the most asked questions on Steak N Shake’s Hours.
Q. What are the Steak N Shake Sunday Hours?
A. On Sundays, Steak N Shake stores Opens at 10:00 AM Morning & Closes at 10:00 PM/12:00 PM in the Night. Few Steak N Shake stores operate like the usual days only.
Q. What are the Steak N Shake Saturday Hours?
A. On Saturdays, Steak N Shake stores Opens at 10:00 AM Morning and Closes at 10:00 PM/12:00 PM in the Night. Few Steak N Shake stores operate like the usual days only.
Q. How many Locations Does Steak N Shake is Operating?
A. As of now, Steak N Shake is Operating in 550 Locations.
Q. Do Steak N Shake stores Open/Closed on New Year’s Day?
A. The Steak N Shake stores are Open on New Year’s Day.
Q. Do Steak N Shake stores Open/Closed on Martin Luther King Day?
A. The Steak N Shake stores are Open on Martin Luther King Day.
Q. Do Steak N Shake stores Open/Closed on President’s Day?
A. The Steak N Shake stores are Open on President’s Day.
Q. Do Steak N Shake stores Open/Closed on Good Friday?
A. The Steak N Shake stores are Open on Good Friday.
Q. Do Steak N Shake stores Open/Closed on Easter Sunday?
A. The Steak N Shake stores are Closed on Easter Sunday.
Q. Do Steak N Shake stores Open/Closed on Memorial Day?
A. The Steak N Shake stores are Open on Memorial Day.
Q. Do Steak N Shake stores Open/Closed on Independence Day?
A. The Steak N Shake stores are Open on Independence Day.
Q. Do Steak N Shake stores Open/Closed on Labor Day?
A. The Steak N Shake stores are Open on Labor Day.
Q. Do Steak N Shake stores Open/Closed on Columbus Day?
A. The Steak N Shake stores are Open on Columbus Day.
Q. Do Steak N Shake stores Open/Closed on Veteran’s Day?
A. The Steak N Shake stores are Open on Veteran’s Day.
Q. Do Steak N Shake stores Open/Closed on Day before Thanksgiving?
A. The Steak N Shake stores are Open on Day before Thanksgiving.
Q. Do Steak N Shake stores Open/Closed on Thanksgiving?
A. The Steak N Shake stores are Closed on Thanksgiving.
Q. Do Steak N Shake stores Open/Closed on Black Friday?
A. The Steak N Shake stores are Open on Black Friday.
Q. Do Steak N Shake stores Open/Closed on Christmas Evening?
A. The Steak N Shake stores are Open on Christmas Evening.
Q. Do Steak N Shake stores Open/Closed on Christmas Day?
A. The Steak N Shake stores are Closed on Christmas Day.
Q. What are the Steak N Shake Regular Day Hours?
A. On usual days {Monday to Friday}, Steak N Shake stores Open at 10:00 AM Morning & Close at 10:00 PM/12:00 PM in the evening.
Q. Does Steak N Shake Operates on Weekends?
A.Yes, Steak N Shake Operates on Weekends also. See the Working hours of Steak N Shake & catch it accordingly.
Q. Does Steak N Shake Operates on Weekdays?
A.Yes, Steak N Shake Operates on Weekdays.
We hope this post was helpful in informing you about Steak N Shake hours. If you have any more questions, feel free to message us from the comment box. Our team will help you as soon as possible. Have a happy holiday season shopping! Thank you for reading! Keep visiting StHours for more retail & other store hours.